Thursday, March 28, 2019

“CWMALLS Transformation and Upgrade” — Continue to Fight for Dreams

CWMALLS® is the world's first online patented brand: technological, artistic, intelligent, ecological...
“Patented Product”, "Custom Made", “Green Product”, are all in CWMALLS® Leather Jackets, Shoes, Bags series!
CWMALLS, CWMALLS COMMODITY are the pioneers and creators of the whole industry chain standardized value ecosystem.

CWMALLS, CWMALLS COMMODITY 2019 Innovation Comes First, Global Sharing Series — “Transformation and Upgrade” officially kicks off; it is natural for flowers to bloom and fade; transformation and upgrade are dreams; crisscross is the coordinate; bit by bit, this is the witness; whether for the transformation of product, technology, promotion, management, brand or the transformation of CWMALLS people, CWMALLS team, CWMALLS complex, it participates, witnesses, deduces every silent gorgeous transformation as the role of protagonist; the struggle from “0” to “1”, breakthrough from “1” to “2”, persistence from “2” to “3”, innovation from “3” to “4”, upgrade from “4” to “5”, transformation from “5” to “6”, from “6” to “7”… Just in this way, we are living, growing and developing with the times; in this way, we are uniting, cooperating and sharing on the world stage, finally to achieve our dreams and missions! Excellence and surprises continue! Upgrade and transformation continue!

Provided by SVE NEWS
Transformation and upgrade of product: this is a transformation without suspense, its unique gene structure (networked gene, patented gene), and extraordinary innovative ideas get every product burned in CWMALLS®, CWMALLS COMMODITY™; the world-class product supply chain makes united innovation, design and manufacture become more “international”; especially the product standard of “Country of Origin” and the cooperation with world's top four fur companies add endless vitality to products’ material, craftsmanship, function and characteristic; sense of science and technology, artistry, intelligence, ecologicalization and patent are also the direct reflection of transformation of product; the product structure made up of three main types (leather jackets, leather shoes, leather bags) and six series, from extensive single production to varied VIP service, then to 24 to 72-hour global continuous collaboration, and using big data, blockchain, standardization to set up a brand-new industry standard for every product’s transparent operation, and finally to make “Consumption Core” become the uniqueness of cross-border B2C as well as the endorsement of service and value! This is the transformation of product!

Transformation and upgrade of technology: this is a people-oriented transformation of safety, convenience and speediness; its every line of code stands for progress and upgrade; its continuous SEO witnesses iteration and trend; its AI test, robot service, voice search and shopping also become the endorsement of transformation of technology; PC, mobile, Pad, APP, social media, video, live streaming and other terminal display, services also make browse, registration, shopping, review, transmission, sharing and other functions more seamless, safer, more smooth! Three world operating centers make the load balance of the server, database and backup more coordinated and stable! The cooperation with world's top network technology companies (Google, Microsoft, Apple, Oracle, Facebook, etc.) also helps “CWMALLS Technology” WWW.CWMALLS.COM! As the core of the Internet, the transformation of technology represents the survival of the fittest, the victory of the brave, and the experience standards of upgrading, doing what you like! Thus CWMALLS technology team carries out cross-border cooperation and coordinated development, takes technology innovation as the core all the time to put the networked new retail, new service, new experience of one world, one home, global 24-hour “sharing”, “shopping” and “living” into practice truly! The witness of every moment and the endorsement of rapid changes become the uniqueness of transformation of CWMALLS technology! Excellence lies in sharing, and achievement lies in cooperation, let technology, the "root platform", bring more surprises and values to everyone!

Provided by SVE NEWS
Transformation and upgrade of promotion: this is the perfect combination of online and offline precise publicity and promotion, also the witness of input, output break-even development; “CAS”, “The Ecological Chain of Integration of Man and Thing”, “Advertising Alliance” and other super promotion projects also shoulder the mission of from nothing to have, from have to win; whether for the professional terms, or the personified propaganda, every word and every action of News, Blog, Forum, Video, VR, short film, poster, picture, manuscript represents the power of dreams and the greatness of missions; especially the cross-border creative fusion makes essence, true colors become the cores of big publicity and big promotion; its networking characteristic and internationalization basis make instant passing, spreading, conveying become a scenery line of transformation of CWMALLS promotion! Email, special topics, LiveChat, crowdfunding, group buying and outdoor advertising keep abreast of each other, laying a solid foundation for professional promotion, accurate exposure, popular publicity and alliance expansion! Meanwhile, effective conversion rate and efficient repurchase rate are the best return and witness of promotion value! Promotion is just like flowing water and floating cloud, with its fast-changing characteristic, it has become the difficulty and doubt of product marketization and networking, only with the determination to never give up, unswerving confidence and concerted efforts can it create its due value! Transformation of promotion is just like this, suffering while enjoying!

Transformation and upgrade of management: this is the metaphysical, hands-off training, coordination, and assessment; it takes supply chain, ecological chain and value as the cores, connects the past and the future, cares for people, and takes corporate culture, spirit, vision as its own responsibilities to carry out transparent, efficient collaboration, mutual assistance; meanwhile, it takes the common goals and plans as the uniqueness, takes the enterprise efficiency and value as the maximization, takes the executive standards, quality as the cores to jointly create transformation of management through the Internet, the Internet of things, artificial intelligence and other modern scientific and technological means! It is not only the coordination and unity from inside to outside, but also the upgrade and sublimation of keeping pace with the times; it takes “standardization” as basis, takes “individualization” as challenge, and takes “liberalization” as humanity to implement the effective combination of cross-region, culture and belief, and realize the management concept and management realm of unity of people and things of 1+1>=1 or 1+1>=2 or 1+1>=0! CWMALLS people, CWMALLS team, CWMALLS complex are carrying out networked barrier-free training and learning with partners all over the world, setting examples and recommending examples, and finally making every link and chain run efficiently and quickly to create surprises and bring values based on such management attitudes and methods! This is the transformation of management, invisible, silent or visible, vocal, consistent attitudes and spirit are the fundamentals of transformation!

Provided by SVE NEWS
Transformation and upgrade of brand: this is the perfect transformation from “trademark” to “brand”, the perfect sublimation from “quantity” to “quality”, and the perfect iteration from “standard” to “value”; “CWMALLS®”, “CWMALLS COMMODITY™” bring worldwide friends, partners different sensory experience and artistic enjoyment with extraordinary product positioning, market positioning and service positioning! It takes global unified quality, price, and service as the criterion, it takes the online networking, offline localization as the guidance to provide you, him, her with world-class, the all-weather, 24-hour VIP services! The services of appreciating brand story, appreciating brand design, sharing brand concept and experiencing brand value have also become the powerful guarantee of "the world's first online casual luxury brand"! Whether for its multi-functional features, or "Custom Made" service, or innovation and patent, it will try to reflect its uniqueness! Especially the personalized brand concepts like “Limited Edition”, “Collective Edition”, “Commemorative Edition”, “Online Edition”, etc. also become the sources of brand sustainable growth, development and value, and stand on the top of market and consumption finally! This is the story of transformation of brand, pragmatic and radical, science and technology and art, open and inclusive, fashion and value, responsibility and obligation!

When transformation becomes natural, it will be the result of essence; when transformation becomes redemption, it will be the price of game; when transformation becomes value, it will be a relative transformation! Let nature take its course, follow the original heart, let every transformation become the beginning of stepping to stand; burning our bridges to the wall, rising to the challenge, we make every transformation become the endorsement of accumulating richly and breaking forth vastly! CWMALLS, CWMALLS COMMODITY 2019 Innovation Comes First, Global Sharing Series — “Transformation and Upgrade” is a self-analysis, demonstration, and sublimation standing in the perspective of history and industry; always maintaining the absolute loyalty to the dream and mission, let’s make our transformation become more beautiful and wonderful That is us — admirable and respectable CWMALLS people!

Note: Warmly celebrate the official opening of CWMALLS Instagram Shop (, welcome worldwide old and new clients, customers to browse, purchase, review and share our products directly on Instagram; meanwhile, the global financing of CWMALLS, CWMALLS COMMODITY is still underway, welcome worldwide Investment banks and private equity funds to participate and pay attention actively; if you have any questions, opinions or advice, please feel free to contact us and our professional online customer service will give you a satisfying reply in first time! Thank you! In 2019 we excavate vertically and horizontally, in 2019 we fully implement, in 2019 we carry out strong alliance! (In 2020, we will see you in Nasdaq.)

“Cutting-edge School” “Innovative School” “Powerful School” — CWMALLS, SVE NEWS, MWE FUND
“CWMALLS Transformation and Upgrade” — innovation and upgrade help achieve dream and mission!

CWMALLS JADE SEAL: CWMALLS people always maintain the absolute loyalty to dreams and missions, and always keep the absolute execution of targets and plans! Ruled by the grace of God, there must be great achievements — CWMALLS People

CWMALLS Dream: Four Basis(Information Flow, Talent Flow, Goods Flow and Capital Flow), Three Centers(North America Center, Europe Center, Asia Pacific Center), Two Funds(Maintain World Fund, Maintain Earth Fund), and One College(CWMALLS College with two courses History and Philosophy)
CWMALLS COMMODITY Dream: To offer pure natural, ecological “green products”, “environment-friendly commodities” continuously to consumers around the world; meanwhile, to transform more ideas, works and patents to products and commodities to form a virtuous cycle of ecological chain and value chain.
CWMALLS Mission:To create the global standardized value ecosystem!
CWMALLS COMMODITY Mission: Integrating the world’s high quality featured new products for you to share and benefit everyone!
MWE FUND: Maintain the world’s peace and stability, maintain the earth’s balance and development.

2019 CWMALLS: Standard, Value, Ecology;
2019 CWMALLS COMMODITY: Technology, Art, Patent;
2019 MWE FUND: Charity, Public Welfare, Responsibility;
Eco-friendly intelligent wearing, Low-carbon and environment friendly life, both are in CWMALLS global networking and mobilization.

March 28, 2019

Tips: From now on, WWW.CWMALLS.COM officially provides Custom Made Leather Jackets Series, Made to Order Leather Shoes Series, ODM Leather Bags Series around the world; whether for men’s style or women’s style, Whether it is Haute Couture, or prop clothing, performing costumes, professional clothing, special clothing, advanced customization, we can meet all your requirements; please pay attention and experience! Meanwhile, CWMALLS® Patented Product Series is also provided with Custom Made, Personal Tailor services, and appreciated and interacted synchronously via Google, Bing, Pinterest, Facebook, Instagram, YouTube and other sharing platforms; welcome worldwide web celebrities, fashion icons, opinion leaders, columnists and other friends, partners to comprehend and cooperate actively! Thank you! In 2019 CWMALLS people, CWMALLS team, CWMALLS complex will bring you more surprises and values!

Friday, March 22, 2019

“CWMALLS Full Execution” — Try The Best to Achieve The Goal

This is the absolute loyalty of dream and mission, it is without distractions;
This is the absolute execution of goal and plan, it proceeds without hesitation;

Full execution shows the attitude of CWMALLS people;
Full execution witnesses the bravery of CWMALLS team;
Full execution condenses the wisdom of CWMALLS complex;

This is the aside of CWMALLS, CWMALLS COMMODITY 2019 Sprinting Series — “Full Execution”, action is everything, the results bear witness to us, in the struggles without smoke of gunpowder, it transcends and sublimates again and again; especially on the world-class stage and among the strong peers, it leaves the dust behind, and performs a series of textbook-like classic stories domineeringly. Its spirit of cutting through the weeds, courage to act quickly and sprinting of cutting off all means of retreat brand every CWMALLS people with the epoch-making "hero" brand; whether for online promotion, offline integration, cooperation with peers or the original aspiration of public benefit and charity, everything bursts out extraordinary excellence in “Full Execution”! Let “Sprinting” and “Full Execution” be more intense! We would like to accept all unknown challenges!

CWMALLS Full execution
Provided by SVE NEWS
Full execution shows the attitude of CWMALLS people; this is a quality, also a spirit; especially after putting forward “33 Months’ Battle Call”, we throw ourselves into the whole project with unprecedented enthusiasm and achievement; whether for the mission must reach toward goal, starting well and ending well of the project, or the up-to-date learning, CWMALLS people around the world have shown super strong perseverance, determination, and courage; self-motivated learning, innovation and execution make the impossible possible! More commendable and rarer attitudes are love, duty, responsibility such qualities, which are a flag and focus at every job in every action; such as continuous 96-hour closed test in the process of technological upgrading, making targeted contributions through UNICEF regularly, 24-hour transparent and efficient services in the promotion and operation of Dual Brand, full protection and respect of copyright, intellectual property rights, patents, reverence and attitude toward product and market, etc., which shows the attitude of CWMALLS people all the time! Is it inherent, or because God help those who help themselves? Please pay attention to every CWMALLS people!

Full execution witnesses the bravery of CWMALLS team; this is the example of uniting as one and making concerted effort, also the endorsement of being majestic and powerful, and wonderful artificial excelling nature; the world-class CWMALLS team fight bravely for the goal and plan, and follow the promise for dream and mission; whether for the back-end R&D, design and manufacture, or the front-end promotion, service and experience, the entire CWMALLS team brings continuous excellence and surprises in the process of transparent, efficient, standard fully operation and execution! Especially in the team spirit, capability and attitude aspects, we complete every impossible task nicely! It also witnesses the intrinsic meaning of unity is strength and collaboration is the model; for example, the global patterned “CAS” operation of CWMALLS®, CWMALLS COMMODITY™ crushes one by one, wins honor and finally achieves success after the cooperation and coordination of different departments and teams and forming unifying force! For another example, the successful operation of the standard, valuable, ecological system “CWSVE” also makes CWMALLS team become an industry model, their never-give-up, unwearied, against-all-odd sprinting, execution capability and strength burst into bloom and created many miracles! This is the journey of globalization, internationalization and networking of CWMALLS team, from going all out to fully executing, only with brave sprinting can we realize all goals and plans in 2020! We are worth your expectation!

Full execution condenses the wisdom of CWMALLS complex; this is the world-class united innovation and execution, it excavates vertically and integrates horizontally, and carries out cross-border combination in the center of “33 Months’ Battle Call”; similarly, the cooperation of alliance lays a solid foundation for the normal operation and development of our three super operating centers (CWMALLS Asia Pacific Operating Center, CWMALLS North American Operating Center, CWMALLS European Operating Center) and three super networking centers (CWMALLS Super Networked Lab, CWMALLS Super Networked Factory, CWMALLS Super Patent Review Committee); therefore, CWMALLS, SVE NEWS, MWE FUND jointly developed “Student Union Commune (SUC)”, “The Ecological Chain of Integration of Man and Thing (MTIEC)” and other world-class super projects, they condensed every member’s wisdom of CWMALLS complex and were executed fully at a sprint pace, finally realized the new formula of 1+1=N! Meanwhile, it carries out network seamless docking of world-class information flow, capital flow, talent flow and goods flow, sets an example for green, environmental protection, sharing and sustainable development and creates more values! This is the wisdom of CWMALLS complex, it condenses common dream and mission, it focuses on common goal and plan, it will convoy the coming 2020 as the mainstay of CWMALLS, CWMALLS COMMODITY 2019 Sprinting Series! “CWMALLS complex” is a new species and will start a new journey!

From the comprehensive conception in 2010, theoretical demonstration in 2011, sailing online in 2012, barbaric expansion in 2013, profound adjustment in 2014, rational return in 2015, smooth transition in 2016, rise of counter attack in 2017, perfect transformation in 2018 to strong alliance in 2019, the hard work of CWMALLS people, brave fight of CWMALLS team, being best of CWMALLS complex are indispensable every day and every year! It is your, my, his, her, our and their full execution that has made CWMALLS, SVE NEWS, MWE FUND what they are today! Wish 2019’s CWMALLS people, 2020’s CWMALLS people, 2021’s CWMALLS people, 2022… to stay true to the mission and forge ahead! Let’s make sprinting become the best endorsement!

“Full Execution” — no one knows whether flowers bloom or fade, they will be fruitful sometimes!
“Full Execution” — it doesn’t matter whether it will rain or not, whether the moon will wax or wane, colorful clouds are always in the heart!

March 22, 2019

Tips: From now on, WWW.CWMALLS.COM officially provides Custom Made Leather Jackets Series, Made to Order Leather Shoes Series, ODM Leather Bags Series around the world; whether for men’s style or women’s style, Whether it is Haute Couture, or prop clothing, performing costumes, professional clothing, special clothing, advanced customization, we can meet all your requirements; please pay attention and experience! Meanwhile, CWMALLS® Patented Product Series is also provided with Custom Made, Personal Tailor services, and appreciated and interacted synchronously via Google, Bing, Pinterest, Facebook, Instagram, YouTube and other sharing platforms; welcome worldwide web celebrities, fashion icons, opinion leaders, columnists and other friends, partners to comprehend and cooperate actively! Thank you! In 2019 CWMALLS people, CWMALLS team, CWMALLS complex will bring you more surprises and values!

Thursday, March 21, 2019

“CWMALLS® Health Leather Jackets” — Add Luster to Your Quality Life

CWMALLS® is the world's first online patented brand: technological, artistic, intelligent, ecological...
“Patented Product”, "Custom Made", “Green Product”, are all in CWMALLS® Leather Jackets, Shoes, Bags series!
CWMALLS, CWMALLS COMMODITY are the pioneers and creators of the whole industry chain standardized value ecosystem.

Warmly celebrate CWMALLS, CWMALLS COMMODITY 2019 Patented Products, Haute Couture Series — “CWMALLS® Health Leather Jackets” officially being sold both online and offline synchronously around the world; this is the model of digenic product, also the endorsement of multifunctional innovation; the joint innovation and supervision of CWMALLS Global Patent Review Committee, CWMALLS Global Networked Lab and CWMALLS Global Networked Factory, the cooperation and recommendation of testing and certification institutions escort for the standardized, networked, globalized sharing and experience of every “CWMALLS® Health Leather Jackets”; the super concepts of “new fashion”, “new consumption”, “new health protection”, “multifunction” made up of its unique functions and characteristics, extraordinary services and experience (free custom made, global free shipping, no-reason return or exchange, VIP one-to-one service, free maintenance and so on) make you, him and her enjoy everything! “CWMALLS® Health Leather Jackets” can all the time bring you safety, warmness, happiness, health... Welcome worldwide friends, partners to pay attention and experience it actively! Its brilliance is just your excellence!

2019.3.19 CWMALLS® Health Leather Jackets
Provided by SVE NEWS
CWMALLS® Health Leather Jackets” is a “world-class product” jointly built by CWMALLS R&D team, design team, worldwide scientific research institutions, experts and scholars based on digital technologies including big data, cloud computing and internet; it covers many subjects such as physics, chemistry, medical structure, magnet, microcirculation, etc.; its professionalism, safety, stability and functionality have undergone numerous tests and certifications, and some projects also have patents; the classic masterpiece of “CWMALLS® Health Leather Jackets” possess unique premium materials, unique production process, unique nano, graphene, laser technologies, unique health care functions, unique texture and beauty, unique versatile experience, unique... All in all, it will bring you more surprises and values! Whether it is Haute Couture, or prop clothing, performing clothing, professional clothing, special clothing, advanced customization, “CWMALLS® Health Leather Jackets” makes you enjoy wonderful life! Meanwhile, lightweight design makes action freer and make your body and mind healthier! This is the reason why CWMALLS Asia Pacific Operating Center, CWMALLS North American Operating Center, CWMALLS European Operating Center recommend it together! It is your formfitting “nanny”, your health “bodyguard”, and your image “endorsement”! Everything is all in “CWMALLS® Health Leather Jackets”! Welcome worldwide old and new clients, consumers, distributors, agents, crowdfunding platforms and health care institutions to appreciate and cooperate actively! Thank you! CWMALLS people, CWMALLS team, CWMALLS complex open a healthy, safe, happy and joyful journey for you!

Note: CWMALLS, CWMALLS COMMODITY 2019 “Global Partner Plan” starts in North America region; welcome students, social workers who major in news, legal (lawyers), marketing, film and television, and advertising to actively pay attention to and participate. Both full-time and part-time jobs. Welcome interested friends to contact us by email or phone! Thank you! The global financing of CWMALLS, CWMALLS COMMODITY is still underway, welcome worldwide Investment banks and private equity funds to participate and pay attention actively; meanwhile, welcome everyone to actively appreciate and experience the products of “CWMALLS® Health Leather Jackets” series. Thank you! In 2019 we excavate vertically and horizontally, in 2019 we fully implement, in 2019 we carry out strong alliance! (In 2020, we will see you in Nasdaq.)

“Cutting-edge School” “Innovative School” “Powerful School” — CWMALLS, SVE NEWS, MWE FUND
“CWMALLS® Health Leather Jackets” — healthy life makes you enjoy wonderful life!

CWMALLS JADE SEAL: CWMALLS people always maintain the absolute loyalty to dreams and missions, and always keep the absolute execution of targets and plans! Ruled by the grace of God, there must be great achievements — CWMALLS People

CWMALLS Dream: Four Basis(Information Flow, Talent Flow, Goods Flow and Capital Flow), Three Centers(North America Center, Europe Center, Asia Pacific Center), Two Funds(Maintain World Fund, Maintain Earth Fund), and One College(CWMALLS College with two courses History and Philosophy)
CWMALLS COMMODITY Dream: To offer pure natural, ecological “green products”, “environment-friendly commodities” continuously to consumers around the world; meanwhile, to transform more ideas, works and patents to products and commodities to form a virtuous cycle of ecological chain and value chain.
CWMALLS Mission:To create the global standardized value ecosystem!
CWMALLS COMMODITY Mission: Integrating the world’s high quality featured new products for you to share and benefit everyone!
MWE FUND: Maintain the world’s peace and stability, maintain the earth’s balance and development.

2019 CWMALLS: Standard, Value, Ecology;
2019 CWMALLS COMMODITY: Technology, Art, Patent;
2019 MWE FUND: Charity, Public Welfare, Responsibility;
Eco-friendly intelligent wearing, Low-carbon and environment friendly life, both are in CWMALLS global networking and mobilization.

March 21, 2019

Tips: From now on, WWW.CWMALLS.COM officially provides Custom Made Leather Jackets Series, Made to Order Leather Shoes Series, ODM Leather Bags Series around the world; whether for men’s style or women’s style, Whether it is Haute Couture, or prop clothing, performing costumes, professional clothing, special clothing, advanced customization, we can meet all your requirements; please pay attention and experience! Meanwhile, CWMALLS® Patented Product Series is also provided with Custom Made, Personal Tailor services, and appreciated and interacted synchronously via Google, Bing, Pinterest, Facebook, Instagram, YouTube and other sharing platforms; welcome worldwide web celebrities, fashion icons, opinion leaders, columnists and other friends, partners to comprehend and cooperate actively! Thank you! In 2019 CWMALLS people, CWMALLS team, CWMALLS complex will bring you more surprises and values!

Tuesday, March 19, 2019

“CWMALLS Custom Made, Personal Tailor” — Be Your Personal Tailor

CWMALLS® is the world's first online patented brand: technological, artistic, intelligent, ecological...
“Patented Product”, "Custom Made", “Green Product”, are all in CWMALLS® Leather Jackets, Shoes, Bags series!
CWMALLS, CWMALLS COMMODITY are the pioneers and creators of the whole industry chain standardized value ecosystem.

Warmly celebrate CWMALLS, CWMALLS COMMODITY CWMALLS, CWMALLS COMMODITY 2019 Patent, Networking Series — “CWMALLS Custom Made, Personal Tailor” officially starts synchronously both online and offline around the world; this is a standardized experience in the networked era, and also a standardized service in the personalized era; the guarantee from CWMALLS whole industrial chain standardized value ecosystem offers 360° sensorial experience and artistic enjoyment to the practice, promotion and execution of “CWMALLS Custom Made, Personal Tailor” service; meanwhile as a marathon of strength and feeling, CWMALLS people, CWMALLS team, CWMALLS complex practice the absolute loyalty towards dream and mission in the particular attitudes, and offer more premium products and service to all old and new clients, consumers, fans and partners to create more value! Please concern, take part in and experience our “Made to Order”, “Personal Tailor”, “CWMALLS Custom Made” services, they are really different!

2019.3.18 CWMALLS custom made Personal Tailor
Provided by SVE NEWS
CWMALLS Custom Made, Personal Tailor” is a really personalized “public sharing” service, and also a patented and networked VIP enjoyment; With the joint support of CWMALLS Global Patent Review Committee, CWMALLS Global Networked Lab, CWMALLS Global Networked Factory and CWSVE, in order to satisfy the needs of different people, “CWMALLS Custom Made, Personal Tailor” is launched by CWMALLS to make you enjoy the different new experience of online shopping and customization for its professional, fast and other characteristics; the characteristics like entire participation, all-people participation and one-to-one exclusive service will make you feel the glamour and pleasure of the global networked united innovation as well as the wonderful stereo and polybasic participation highlights; the core service elements like luxury service, to make guests feel at home, being consistent, good value for money, safety, celerity, global free shipping, unified price, unified standard, unified quality and unified service will escort the successful start of “CWMALLS Custom Made, Personal Tailor”; Custom made service is provided to Sheepskin Coats & Jackets series, Multifunctional 2 in 1 Shearling Coat series, Leather Down Jackets series, Leather Jackets series, Leather Shoes series, especially to the products of Multifunctional 2 in 1 shearling coats & jackets series with “constant temperature”, “constant humidity”, “explosion-proof”, "windproof", "rainproof", "warm", "skin-care", "sanitarian", “blood circulation promotion” and other features, it is the first choice for businessmen, also the necessary of winter for middle-aged and senior friends, CWMALLS Leather Jackets series similarly make you lead the spring fashion trend; whether you browse, register, consult, shop via PC terminal, mobile terminal or APP, it can meet all your personalized demands; the function of “being your own designer” can integrate your ideas and designs into the product, bring more surprise and value to you, no matter you are tall or short, fat or thin, or other special requirements, “CWMALLS Custom Made, Personal Tailor” will solve everything for you and accomplish everything according to your will under the direction and help of our collocation division and designers! This is the meaning of innovative sharing of CWMALLS, CWMALLS COMMODITY, MWE FUND, this is all of innovative service of CWMALLS people, CWMALLS team, CWMALLS complex; welcome all partners around the world to concern and participate as usual! Since a custom shirt is no longer so hard to find, other custom made apparel & accessories are also available nowadays especially in CWMALLS. Surprise and perfection are here, where are you?

Tips: From now on, WWW.CWMALLS.COM officially provides Custom Made Leather Jackets Series, Made to Order Leather Shoes Series, ODM Leather Bags Series around the world; whether for men’s style or women’s style, we can meet all your requirements; please pay attention and experience! Meanwhile, CWMALLS® Patented Product Series is also provided with Custom Made, Personal Tailor services, and appreciated and interacted synchronously via Google, Bing, Pinterest, Facebook, Instagram, YouTube and other sharing platforms; welcome worldwide web celebrities, fashion icons, opinion leaders, columnists and other friends, partners to comprehend and cooperate actively! Thank you! In 2019 CWMALLS people, CWMALLS team, CWMALLS complex will bring you more surprises and values!

Note: The global financing of CWMALLS, CWMALLS COMMODITY is still underway, welcome worldwide Investment banks and private equity funds to participate and pay attention actively; recently, there was a large-scale shooting in Christchurch, New Zealand, in the face of increasingly frequent terrorist incidents, we hope everyone is prepared for prevention, welcome everyone to actively appreciate and experience the products of Sheepskin Coats & Jackets series, Multifunctional 2 in 1 Shearling Coat series, Leather Down Jackets series and Other series, and some patented products have a certain buffer effect on bullets; meanwhile, welcome to experience the featured services such as custom made, personal tailor. Thank you! In 2019 we excavate vertically and horizontally, in 2019 we fully implement, in 2019 we carry out strong alliance! (In 2020, we will see you in Nasdaq.)

“Cutting-edge School” “Innovative School” “Powerful School”— CWMALLS, SVE NEWS, MWE FUND
“CWMALLS Custom Made, Personal Tailor” — meet your personalized needs!

CWMALLS JADE SEAL: CWMALLS people always maintain the absolute loyalty to dreams and missions, and always keep the absolute execution of targets and plans! Ruled by the grace of God, there must be great achievements — CWMALLS People

CWMALLS Dream: Four Basis(Information Flow, Talent Flow, Goods Flow and Capital Flow), Three Centers(North America Center, Europe Center, Asia Pacific Center), Two Funds(Maintain World Fund, Maintain Earth Fund), and One College(CWMALLS College with two courses History and Philosophy)
CWMALLS COMMODITY Dream: To offer pure natural, ecological “green products”, “environment-friendly commodities” continuously to consumers around the world; meanwhile, to transform more ideas, works and patents to products and commodities to form a virtuous cycle of ecological chain and value chain.
CWMALLS Mission:To create the global standardized value ecosystem!
CWMALLS COMMODITY Mission: Integrating the world’s high quality featured new products for you to share and benefit everyone!
MWE FUND: Maintain the world’s peace and stability, maintain the earth’s balance and development.

2019 CWMALLS: Standard, Value, Ecology;
2019 CWMALLS COMMODITY: Technology, Art, Patent;
2019 MWE FUND: Charity, Public Welfare, Responsibility;
Eco-friendly intelligent wearing, Low-carbon and environment friendly life, both are in CWMALLS global networking and mobilization.

March 19, 2019

Tips: The global financing of CWMALLS, CWMALLS COMMODITY is still underway, welcome worldwide Investment banks and private equity funds to participate and pay attention actively! Meanwhile, from now on, besides “Custom Made”, “Personal Tailor” services, “CWMALLS® Men Custom Leather Jacket”, “CWMALLS® Women Leather Jacket” series products are also provided with global free shipping, global off-site delivery, no-reason return or exchange, lifelong free maintenance and other services, welcome everyone to experience and appreciate them actively! Thank you!

Saturday, March 16, 2019

“CWMALLS® Leather Dress Boots” — The Combination of Comfort And Fashion

CWMALLS® is the world's first online patented brand: technological, artistic, intelligent, ecological...
“Patented Product”, "Custom Made", “Green Product”, are all in CWMALLS® Leather Jackets, Shoes, Bags series!
CWMALLS, CWMALLS COMMODITY are the pioneers and creators of the whole industry chain standardized value ecosystem.

Warmly celebrate CWMALLS, CWMALLS COMMODITY 2019 Patented Design, Hand-made Series — “CWMALLS® Leather Dress Boots” officially start to be sold both online and offline limitedly around the world; this is a subversion work of original design, and also a mixture of cross-border art; the vintage, classic and modern elements from all over the world inject brand-new soul and mission to every pair of CWMALLS® Leather Dress Boots which are technological products as well as artistic works; the distinctive color matching and the exaggerated heavy metal decorations will bring super visual experience and artistic enjoyment to you in a flash; these are the glamour and value of CWMALLS® Leather Dress Boots, its globally limited sale also brings surprises to unique experience; welcome such liberalists as fashion icons, bloggers, web celebrities, fashion men and women, fans and so on to pay active attention and experience! Its excellence is just your brilliance!

CWMALLS leather dress boots
Provided by SVE NEWS
CWMALLS® Leather Dress Boots” is crazy for fever and mad for personality, it is a kind of attitude, spirit and culture; this is the model of globalized, networked united innovation, design and manufacture, it has unique gene structure, and it’s also the represent of intelligentized, artistic industrial cluster, talent cluster and market cluster which regards itself as treason and weird; therefore, CWMALLS design team and CWMALLS Global Patent Review Committee, CWMALLS Global Networked Lab, CWMALLS Global Networked Factory carry out seamless connection, use 3D cutting technology, laser cutting technology, nano printing technology, graphene technology such world frontier technologies and combine traditional artisan craftsmanship and modern technological workmanship to bring science and technology sense, artistry, intelligentization such characteristics to every pair of CWMALLS® Men’s Studded Leather Boots, Men’s Embossed Leather Dress Boots, Men’s Printed Leather Ankle Boots, Men’s Exotic Leather Dress Boots; the complete size options (US/EURO 6/38, 6.5/39, 7/40, 8/41, 9/42, 10/43, 11/44, 12/45, 13/46, 14/47, free customization is also available) with the mysterious Black, sexy Red, fashion Grey, luxurious Golden such color matching make them look like pairs of “alien boots” against the background of heavy metals; the Dutch premium calfskin is combined with the unique sole (high scientific and technological content, powerful functions) after physical embossing and chemical handling to make the boots become limited-edition masterpieces which are obviously different from Blundstone boots; welcome originality lovers, singers, film stars, artists, hippies, geeks, punks such celebrities to appreciate actively; as it’s limited edition, please contact our customer service first before purchasing so that we can offer you more perfect service! Thank you!

Note: Warmly celebrate CWMALLS people officially appeared in Wall Street in New York, this is a journey, also a mission; every day of 2019 and 2020 will be different! Meanwhile, the global financing of CWMALLS, CWMALLS COMMODITY is underway, welcome worldwide Investment banks and private equity funds to participate and pay attention actively; besides, we also provide global free shipping, global off-site delivery, no-reason return or exchange, lifelong free maintenance and other services to CWMALLS® Leather Dress Boots, Dress Shoes series products, welcome everyone to experience them actively! Thank you! In 2019 we excavate vertically and horizontally, in 2019 we fully implement, in 2019 we carry out strong alliance! (In 2020, we will see you in Nasdaq.)

“Cutting-edge School” “Innovative School” “Powerful School” — CWMALLS, SVE NEWS, MWE FUND
“CWMALLS® Leather Dress Boots” — make you different from others!

CWMALLS JADE SEAL: CWMALLS people always maintain the absolute loyalty to dreams and missions, and always keep the absolute execution of targets and plans! Ruled by the grace of God, there must be great achievements — CWMALLS People

CWMALLS Dream: Four Basis(Information Flow, Talent Flow, Goods Flow and Capital Flow), Three Centers(North America Center, Europe Center, Asia Pacific Center), Two Funds(Maintain World Fund, Maintain Earth Fund), and One College(CWMALLS College with two courses History and Philosophy)
CWMALLS COMMODITY Dream: To offer pure natural, ecological “green products”, “environment-friendly commodities” continuously to consumers around the world; meanwhile, to transform more ideas, works and patents to products and commodities to form a virtuous cycle of ecological chain and value chain.
CWMALLS Mission:To create the global standardized value ecosystem!
CWMALLS COMMODITY Mission: Integrating the world’s high quality featured new products for you to share and benefit everyone!
MWE FUND: Maintain the world’s peace and stability, maintain the earth’s balance and development.

2019 CWMALLS: Standard, Value, Ecology;
2019 CWMALLS COMMODITY: Technology, Art, Patent;
2019 MWE FUND: Charity, Public Welfare, Responsibility;
Eco-friendly intelligent wearing, Low-carbon and environment friendly life, both are in CWMALLS global networking and mobilization.

March 16, 2019

Tips: The global financing of CWMALLS, CWMALLS COMMODITY is still underway, welcome worldwide Investment banks and private equity funds to participate and pay attention actively! Meanwhile, from now on, besides “Custom Made”, “Personal Tailor” services, “CWMALLS® Men Custom Leather Jacket”, “CWMALLS® Women Leather Jacket” series products are also provided with global free shipping, global off-site delivery, no-reason return or exchange, lifelong free maintenance and other services, welcome everyone to experience and appreciate them actively! Thank you!

Friday, March 15, 2019

“CWMALLS CWSVE Standard” — Build A New Model

CWMALLS® is the world's first online patented brand: technological, artistic, intelligent, ecological...
“Patented Product”, "Custom Made", “Green Product”, are all in CWMALLS® Leather Jackets, Shoes, Bags series!
CWMALLS, CWMALLS COMMODITY are the pioneers and creators of the whole industry chain standardized value ecosystem.

Warmly celebrate CWMALLS, CWMALLS COMMODITY 2019 Innovation Comes First, Network Sharing Series — “CWMALLS CWSVE Standard” officially starts both online and offline synchronously around the world; this is a revolution of world’s economic network standardization, also a start of global network retail standardization; the joint recommendation and certification of CWMALLS Global Patent Review Committee, CWMALLS Global Networked Lab and CWMALLS Global Networked Factory make “CWMALLS CWSVE Standard” become the new standard and new experience of the networked, globalized sharing, shopping and living! The experience service which is constructed by safety, fairness, transparency, efficiency and service which takes standard, value, ecology, intelligence as core concepts let you enjoy surprises and values brought by all products of “CWMALLS” anytime anywhere! Therefore, CWMALLS technology team, product team, promotion team, management team carry out horizontal integration and vertical excavation around the world; via strong combination, optimizing the structure and activating more potential resources, under the unified guidance of “CWMALLS CWSVE Standard” , we form a standardized operation, valuable excavation and ecologicalized circulation which include R&D, design, manufacture, sale, promotion, service, management, optimization, upgrade and all links to improve a new feast of global networked shopping! This is the significance of “CWMALLS CWSVE Standard”!

Provided by SVE NEWS
CWMALLS CWSVE Standard” is building a brand new industry standard in a brand new perspective and keeping pace with the time; whether for the back-end supply chain or for the front-end sales chain and promotion chain, it all can focus on “CWSVE” to get a standardized, valuable, ecological self-optimization and upgrade to improve overall efficiency and quality; similarly, depending on cloud computing, big data, artificial intelligence, block chain, search engine, social media and other internet tools, it performs model data analysis, deductions and certifications to reduce risk and make every decision, action win! This is the reason why CWMALLS people, CWMALLS team, CWMALLS complex recommend it highly, it is a win-win regulator and also a booster for development; it takes technological innovation as center, digital management as the standard and ecological cycle as its mission, thus to form a reasonable value chain and make every link become “seamless” to truly achieve intelligentized operation! For example, patented product (Leather Jacket) conducting a comprehensive market-oriented sharing needs to carry out rapid standardized integration, transparent execution, data-based monitoring, chain-based collaboration, precision marketing and sharing services from procurement, production, promotion, operation, service, management and other links, only in this way can we make the marketization of patented products become fast and efficient to make consumers appreciate the surprises and value brought by it in first time! Thus, CWMALLS Asia Pacific Operating Center, CWMALLS European Operating Center, CWMALLS North American Operating Center are fully implementing and carrying out all the standards of “CWMALLS CWSVE Standard”, and uniting worldwide fashion icons, web celebrities, bloggers, key opinion leaders, live streaming lovers, singers, film stars and other industry elites to spread and share, hoping to bring every extraordinary sensory experience and artistic enjoyment to friends and partners from all over the world! Meanwhile, welcome more professionals, peers, standard institutions, certification authorities to participate jointly in the completion of “CWMALLS CWSVE Standard” and hope to make the networked, globalized sharing, shopping and living become more wonderful with everyone’s joint efforts! Thank you!

Note: The global financing of CWMALLS, CWMALLS COMMODITY is still underway, welcome worldwide Investment banks and private equity funds to participate and pay attention actively; meanwhile, from now on, CWMALLS, CWMALLS COMMODITY officially provide custom made, personal tailor, global free shipping, global off-site delivery, no-reason return or exchange, custom gifts and other featured services to CWMALLS® Leather Jacket, Leather Shoes, Leather Backpack and other series products, welcome everyone to experience and appreciate them actively! It will be more wonderful to register, shop, review and share on the mobile, Pad terminals! Thank you! In 2019 we excavate vertically and horizontally, in 2019 we fully implement, in 2019 we carry out strong alliance! (In 2020, we will see you in Nasdaq.)

“Cutting-edge School” “Innovative School” “Powerful School” — CWMALLS, SVE NEWS, MWE FUND
“CWMALLS CWSVE Standard” — model of the whole industry chain standardized value ecosystem!

CWMALLS JADE SEAL: CWMALLS people always maintain the absolute loyalty to dreams and missions, and always keep the absolute execution of targets and plans! Ruled by the grace of God, there must be great achievements — CWMALLS People

CWMALLS Dream: Four Basis(Information Flow, Talent Flow, Goods Flow and Capital Flow), Three Centers(North America Center, Europe Center, Asia Pacific Center), Two Funds(Maintain World Fund, Maintain Earth Fund), and One College(CWMALLS College with two courses History and Philosophy)
CWMALLS COMMODITY Dream: To offer pure natural, ecological “green products”, “environment-friendly commodities” continuously to consumers around the world; meanwhile, to transform more ideas, works and patents to products and commodities to form a virtuous cycle of ecological chain and value chain.
CWMALLS Mission:To create the global standardized value ecosystem!
CWMALLS COMMODITY Mission: Integrating the world’s high quality featured new products for you to share and benefit everyone!
MWE FUND: Maintain the world’s peace and stability, maintain the earth’s balance and development.

2019 CWMALLS: Standard, Value, Ecology;
2019 CWMALLS COMMODITY: Technology, Art, Patent;
2019 MWE FUND: Charity, Public Welfare, Responsibility;
Eco-friendly intelligent wearing, Low-carbon and environment friendly life, both are in CWMALLS global networking and mobilization.

March 15, 2019

Tips: The global financing of CWMALLS, CWMALLS COMMODITY is still underway, welcome worldwide Investment banks and private equity funds to participate and pay attention actively! Meanwhile, from now on, besides “Custom Made”, “Personal Tailor” services, “CWMALLS® Men Custom Leather Jacket”, “CWMALLS® Women Leather Jacket” series products are also provided with global free shipping, global off-site delivery, no-reason return or exchange, lifelong free maintenance and other services, welcome everyone to experience and appreciate them actively! Thank you!

Thursday, March 14, 2019

“CWMALLS Spokesman Project” - the United States — Share To More People

CWMALLS® is the world's first online patented brand: technological, artistic, intelligent, ecological...
“Patented Product”, "Custom Made", “Green Product”, are all in CWMALLS® Leather Jackets, Shoes, Bags series!
CWMALLS, CWMALLS COMMODITY are the pioneers and creators of the whole industry chain standardized value ecosystem.

Warmly celebrate CWMALLS, CWMALLS COMMODITY 2019 Global Spokesman Project officially starts in New York, Boston, Washington, Chicago, Los Angeles, Seattle, Denver, Houston and other cities in the United States; this is a big union of globalization, and more a big sharing of world networking; the world-class networked innovation, cooperation and sharing will be advertised and exposed sterically and diversely through CWMALLS spokesman project, which will create more innovative value and benefit everyone to create a standard and set up a model for entering the future mode of networked shopping, sharing and living roundly; welcome more elites in all works of life like fashion icons, web celebrities, columnists, senior editors, independent commentators, live streaming lovers, singers and film stars who have dreams and pursuits to concern and participate actively; the dreams of CWMALLS and the missions of CWMALLS COMMODITY will be burst into bloom in the spokesman project!

CWMALLS Spokesman Project
Provided by SVE NEWS
CWMALLS Spokesman Project” is a great innovation to change online marketing; the spokesman project based on localization, videoizing, sharing and collectivization will offer a multi-language, multi-style, multi-channel and diversified stereo service to online shopping lovers all over the world; meanwhile, we will share, interact and show more original designed, patent designed and handcrafted works, products and commodities to you via such sharing platforms as YouTube, Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, Snapchat, Instagram, Imgur, Flickr, Shutterfly, Reddit, etc., we will offer personalized and professional service accordingly at any time; therefore, our promoting team, design team and management team will train, direct and assess every spokesman according to his/her practical situation, and provide one-to-one professional cooperation service to accomplish win-win cooperation and create more value as well as service. Please pay active attention, recommend and participate, there are no limits of age, education background and race, only if you are careful and caring, you can all apply for registration; CWMALLS, CWMALLS COMMODITY 2019 Global Sharing, Win-win Cooperation Series — “CWMALLS Spokesman Project” looks forward to your participation! It will be more wonderful with action!

Note: The global financing of CWMALLS, CWMALLS COMMODITY is still underway, welcome worldwide Investment banks and private equity funds to participate and pay attention actively; meanwhile, from now on, CWMALLS® Leather Jackets, Leather Shoes, Leather Bags series products are officially provided with Custom Made, Personal Tailor services, global free shipping, global off-site delivery, no-reason return or exchange, lifelong free maintenance and other services, welcome everyone to experience and appreciate them actively! There will be more surprises if you make a mixed purchase! Thank you! In 2019 we excavate vertically and horizontally, in 2019 we fully implement, in 2019 we carry out strong alliance! (In 2020, we will see you in Nasdaq.)

“Cutting-edge School” “Innovative School” “Powerful School” — CWMALLS, SVE NEWS, MWE FUND!
“CWMALLS Spokesman Project” — the leader of networked shopping, sharing and living!

CWMALLS JADE SEAL: CWMALLS people always maintain the absolute loyalty to dreams and missions, and always keep the absolute execution of targets and plans! Ruled by the grace of God, there must be great achievements — CWMALLS People

CWMALLS Dream: Four Basis(Information Flow, Talent Flow, Goods Flow and Capital Flow), Three Centers(North America Center, Europe Center, Asia Pacific Center), Two Funds(Maintain World Fund, Maintain Earth Fund), and One College(CWMALLS College with two courses History and Philosophy)
CWMALLS COMMODITY Dream: To offer pure natural, ecological “green products”, “environment-friendly commodities” continuously to consumers around the world; meanwhile, to transform more ideas, works and patents to products and commodities to form a virtuous cycle of ecological chain and value chain.
CWMALLS Mission:To create the global standardized value ecosystem!
CWMALLS COMMODITY Mission: Integrating the world’s high quality featured new products for you to share and benefit everyone!
MWE FUND: Maintain the world’s peace and stability, maintain the earth’s balance and development.

2019 CWMALLS: Standard, Value, Ecology;
2019 CWMALLS COMMODITY: Technology, Art, Patent;
2019 MWE FUND: Charity, Public Welfare, Responsibility;
Eco-friendly intelligent wearing, Low-carbon and environment friendly life, both are in CWMALLS global networking and mobilization.

March 14, 2019

Tips: The global financing of CWMALLS, CWMALLS COMMODITY is still underway, welcome worldwide Investment banks and private equity funds to participate and pay attention actively! Meanwhile, from now on, besides “Custom Made”, “Personal Tailor” services, “CWMALLS® Men Custom Leather Jacket”, “CWMALLS® Women Leather Jacket” series products are also provided with global free shipping, global off-site delivery, no-reason return or exchange, lifelong free maintenance and other services, welcome everyone to experience and appreciate them actively! Thank you!

Tuesday, March 12, 2019

“CWMALLS® Leather Jacket + Leather Shoes + Leather Bag” — Enjoy In Spring

CWMALLS® is the world's first online patented brand: technological, artistic, intelligent, ecological...
“Patented Product”, "Custom Made", “Green Product”, are all in CWMALLS® Leather Jackets, Shoes, Bags series!
CWMALLS, CWMALLS COMMODITY are the pioneers and creators of the whole industry chain standardized value ecosystem.

Warmly celebrate CWMALLS, CWMALLS COMMODITY 2019 Spring Fashion, Global Sharing Series — “CWMALLS® Leather Jacket + Leather Shoes + Leather Bag” officially coming online for global presale and sale; with mixed, flexible, ratable and harmonious style, CWMALLS® genuine leather series new product inject infinite vitality and energy into your wonderful life; this is the classic work of original design and handicraft, and an innovative combination of science and technology, intelligence and art aesthetics, its green, environmental protection, and intelligent wearing features make every style of genuine leather new products filled with fascinating charm; you, I, he and she deserve to own it, and well worth mixed match, this is the character of CWMALLS genuine leather art; CWMALLS Leather Jacket series + CWMALLS Leather Shoes series + CWMALLS Leather Bag series will bring you remarkable value and experience to this unique 2019 Spring; welcome global friends and partners to pay active attention to this innovative mix-match experience; there will be surprises if you act right now!

2019.3.11 CWMALLS Leather Jacket + Leather Shoes + Leather Bag
Provided by SVE NEWS
CWMALLS® Leather Jacket” + “CWMALLS® Leather Shoes” + “CWMALLS® Leather Bag” = Surprises; the sharing in 2012, the innovation in 2013, the originality in 2014, the standard in 2015, the ecology in 2016, the art in 2017, the patent in 2018, the value in 2019, … in 2020; this is the evolutionary process of CWMALLS. CWMALLS people and CWMALLS complex; dedicated and professional attitude, and meticulous implementation which make craftsman spirit have a comprehensive sublimation, this is the new definition and new standard of genuine leather art, and the new philosophy and new thought of genuine leather art; by the integration of CWMALLS Whole Industry Chain Standardized Value Ecosystem (CWSVE), we will make all the core products under CWMALLS COMMODITY(Leather Jacket series, Sheepskin Coat series, Fur Coat series, Dress Shoes series, Backpack series) become the real artistic works and quality goods, and make worldwide old and new customers, clients synchronously sharing and experience through the internet; this is the symphony of CWMALLS innovation DNA, CWMALLS dream DNA and CWMALLS art DNA, and the march of Technology CWMALLS, Art CWMALLS, Patent CWMALLS; with the cooperation of CWMALLS Global Patent Review Committee, CWMALLS Global Networked Lab and CWMALLS Global Networked Factory, innovative concept, innovative material, and traditional craftsmanship from all around the world make every style of our Leather Jacket, Leather Shoes and Leather Bag really become the industry standard and masterpiece, and become the uniqueness; mix-match charm index of 1+1+1>3, it lays a brand new beginning for your every choice and decision, this is the definition of CWMALLS 2019 genuine leather art series new products; CWMALLS people sincerely welcome your active attention and appreciation, its difference is just your uniqueness; you deserve to own everything of this!

CWMALLS® Leather Jacket + Leather Shoes + Leather Bag
Provided by SVE NEWS
Note: The global financing of CWMALLS, CWMALLS COMMODITY is underway, welcome worldwide Investment banks and private equity funds to participate and pay attention actively; meanwhile, CWMALLS, CWMALLS COMMODITY officially provide Custom Made, Personal Tailor, global free shipping, global off-site delivery, no-reason return or exchange, free maintenance and other featured services to CWMALLS® Leather Jacket series, Leather Shoes series, Leather Bag series, welcome customers in the world to experience them in mixture! If you have any questions, opinions or advice, please contact our online customer service via LiveChat at any time, we will give you a satisfying reply in first time! Thank you! In 2019 we excavate vertically and horizontally, in 2019 we fully implement, in 2019 we carry out strong alliance! (In 2020, we will see you in Nasdaq.)

“Cutting-edge School” “Innovative School” “Powerful School” — CWMALLS, SVE NEWS, MWE FUND
“CWMALLS® Leather Jacket + Leather Shoes + Leather Bag” — leads the fashion trend in 2019 Spring!

CWMALLS JADE SEAL: CWMALLS people always maintain the absolute loyalty to dreams and missions, and always keep the absolute execution of targets and plans! Ruled by the grace of God, there must be great achievements — CWMALLS People

CWMALLS Dream: Four Basis(Information Flow, Talent Flow, Goods Flow and Capital Flow), Three Centers(North America Center, Europe Center, Asia Pacific Center), Two Funds(Maintain World Fund, Maintain Earth Fund), and One College(CWMALLS College with two courses History and Philosophy)
CWMALLS COMMODITY Dream: To offer pure natural, ecological “green products”, “environment-friendly commodities” continuously to consumers around the world; meanwhile, to transform more ideas, works and patents to products and commodities to form a virtuous cycle of ecological chain and value chain.
CWMALLS Mission:To create the global standardized value ecosystem!
CWMALLS COMMODITY Mission: Integrating the world’s high quality featured new products for you to share and benefit everyone!
MWE FUND: Maintain the world’s peace and stability, maintain the earth’s balance and development.

2019 CWMALLS: Standard, Value, Ecology;
2019 CWMALLS COMMODITY: Technology, Art, Patent;
2019 MWE FUND: Charity, Public Welfare, Responsibility;
Eco-friendly intelligent wearing, Low-carbon and environment friendly life, both are in CWMALLS global networking and mobilization.

March 12, 2019

Tips: The global financing of CWMALLS, CWMALLS COMMODITY is still underway, welcome worldwide Investment banks and private equity funds to participate and pay attention actively! Meanwhile, from now on, besides “Custom Made”, “Personal Tailor” services, “CWMALLS® Men Custom Leather Jacket”, “CWMALLS® Women Leather Jacket” series products are also provided with global free shipping, global off-site delivery, no-reason return or exchange, lifelong free maintenance and other services, welcome everyone to experience and appreciate them actively! Thank you!

Wednesday, March 6, 2019

“CWMALLS Limited Edition” — Be The One To Experience Limited Enjoyment

CWMALLS® is the world's first online patented brand: technological, artistic, intelligent, ecological...
“Patented Product”, "Custom Made", “Green Product”, are all in CWMALLS® Leather Jackets, Shoes, Bags series!
CWMALLS, CWMALLS COMMODITY are the pioneers and creators of the whole industry chain standardized value ecosystem.

Warmly celebrate CWMALLS, CWMALLS COMMODITY 2019 Patented Design, Personal Tailor Series – “CWMALLS Limited Edition” officially being sold both online and offline synchronously in New York, Chicago, Boston, Washington of the United States and Ottawa, Montreal, Toronto, Quebec of Canada and other cities and regions; formed by personality, freedom and contents, the limited edition elements will be your best choice to be different and unique; the guarantee from world first-class raw material districts, processed by 56 handmade working procedures, production of science and technology, century-old tradition, unique special services; only for excellence, only for brilliance, only for providing you, who are of good taste, personal service! CWMALLS 2019 “Limited Edition” officially invite you appreciate and pay active attention! Make flowing art become the new theme of limited edition!

2019.3.5 CWMALLS Limited Edition
Provided by SVE NEWS
CWMALLS Limited Edition” is the essence of enrichment, and the beginning of uniqueness, and the combination of charm and power, the spirit and attitude! Therefore, with the joint support of CWMALLS Global Patent Review Committee, CWMALLS Global Networked Lab and CWMALLS Global Networked Factory, CWMALLS original design team ally more cooperative partners, suppliers, distributors to carry out the 2019 CWMALLS COMMODITY Limited Edition activity, it opens a fascinating fashion, science and technology, sharing travel; under the joint promotion of many celebrities, fashion icons, web celebrities of people and fans, original and patented limited edition new products with high quality features (such as CWMALLS® Multifunctional 2 in 1 Shearling Coat series, CWMALLS® Fur Leather Coat series, CWMALLS® Sheepskin Jackets series, etc.) let us to interact and share the unique culture, dreams, mission and responsibilities of our products to everyone; this is a special grand banquet for art sharing, and more of a abstract original sharing; “uniqueness” becomes the pronoun for CWMALLS Limited Edition, “privacy” becomes the new annotation for CWMALLS Limited Edition, “rarity” becomes the new symbol for CWMALLS Limited Edition; a sailing for responsibility and starting a career, and more of the guarantee to fly the dream, let’s make patent and limited edition open up the new chapter of online micro life under our common efforts; welcome all elites in various sectors and people from all walks of life to appreciate this great work of CWMALLS COMMODITY actively; its difference is your uniqueness, its valuable is the symbol of your special identity; “CWMALLS Limited Edition” is the pure natural, ecological masterpiece, “CWMALLS Limited Edition” is the model of patented design and handmade manufacture, “CWMALLS Limited Edition” is the meaning of custom made and personal tailor, “CWMALLS Limited Edition” is the witness to discover the true love and rebuild the glory, “CWMALLS Limited Edition” is worth you, his and her owning, this is the eternity! Hope old and new customers, clients around the world to pay attention! You will get the surprise if act right now! CWMALLS will be with you forever!

Note: The global financing of CWMALLS, CWMALLS COMMODITY is underway, welcome worldwide Investment banks and private equity funds to participate and pay attention actively; recently, tornado outbreak hits south of the United States, packages shipped to some North American cities and regions may be delayed for 48 to 96 hours, please understand! Meanwhile, welcome everyone to actively appreciate and experience products of “CWMALLS® Multifunctional 2 in 1 Shearling Coats” series, “CWMALLS® Men Sheepskin Jackets” series and series; if you have any questions, opinions or advice, please feel free to contact us, our professional online customer service will give you a satisfying reply in first time! Thank you! In 2019 we excavate vertically and horizontally, in 2019 we fully implement, in 2019 we carry out strong alliance! (In 2020, we will see you in Nasdaq.)

“Cutting-edge School” “Innovative School” “Powerful School” — CWMALLS, SVE NEWS, MWE FUND
“CWMALLS Limited Edition” —makes life with more surprises and value!

CWMALLS JADE SEAL: CWMALLS people always maintain the absolute loyalty to dreams and missions, and always keep the absolute execution of targets and plans! Ruled by the grace of God, there must be great achievements — CWMALLS People

CWMALLS Dream: Four Basis(Information Flow, Talent Flow, Goods Flow and Capital Flow), Three Centers(North America Center, Europe Center, Asia Pacific Center), Two Funds(Maintain World Fund, Maintain Earth Fund), and One College(CWMALLS College with two courses History and Philosophy)
CWMALLS COMMODITY Dream: To offer pure natural, ecological “green products”, “environment-friendly commodities” continuously to consumers around the world; meanwhile, to transform more ideas, works and patents to products and commodities to form a virtuous cycle of ecological chain and value chain.
CWMALLS Mission:To create the global standardized value ecosystem!
CWMALLS COMMODITY Mission: Integrating the world’s high quality featured new products for you to share and benefit everyone!
MWE FUND: Maintain the world’s peace and stability, maintain the earth’s balance and development.

2019 CWMALLS: Standard, Value, Ecology;
2019 CWMALLS COMMODITY: Technology, Art, Patent;
2019 MWE FUND: Charity, Public Welfare, Responsibility;
Eco-friendly intelligent wearing, Low-carbon and environment friendly life, both are in CWMALLS global networking and mobilization.

March 6, 2019

Tips: The global financing of CWMALLS, CWMALLS COMMODITY is still underway, welcome worldwide Investment banks and private equity funds to participate and pay attention actively! Meanwhile, from now on, besides “Custom Made”, “Personal Tailor” services, “CWMALLS® Men Custom Leather Jacket”, “CWMALLS® Women Leather Jacket” series products are also provided with global free shipping, global off-site delivery, no-reason return or exchange, lifelong free maintenance and other services, welcome everyone to experience and appreciate them actively! Thank you!

Monday, March 4, 2019

“CWMALLS® Men’s Dress Shoes(Intelligent)” — Bring You Different Experience

CWMALLS® is the world's first online patented brand: technological, artistic, intelligent, ecological...
“Patented Product”, "Custom Made", “Green Product”, are all in CWMALLS® Leather Jackets, Shoes, Bags series!
CWMALLS, CWMALLS COMMODITY are the pioneers and creators of the whole industry chain standardized value ecosystem.

Warmly celebrate CWMALLS, CWMALLS COMMODITY 2019 Sense of Science and Technology, Artistry Series — “CWMALLS® Men’s Dress Shoes(Intelligent)” officially being sold both online and offline synchronously around the world; this is the feast of “technicalized, branded” (technology+brand), also the carnival of “patented, innovative” (patent+innovation); the personalized services whose inside equals outside as usual, and the artistic experience of quality first as well as global sharing add brand-new soul of original design and super sensory experience to every pair of “CWMALLS® Dress Shoes”! Its differences lie in everywhere, whether the unique originality and structure, the craftsmanship or the brand connotation, etc., “CWMALLS® Men’s Dress Shoes(Intelligent)” can bring good luck to you every day in 2019! Welcome friends and partners in European region, North American region, Asia Pacific region to pay attention and appreciate actively! Its brilliance lies in making your steps graceful and letting you achieve extraordinary! You deserve to own it!

2019.3.1 CWMALLS Men’s Dress Shoes
Provided by SVE NEWS
CWMALLS® Men’s Dress Shoes(Intelligent)” is the joint masterpiece of CWMALLS Global Patent Review Committee, CWMALLS Global Networked Lab and CWMALLS Global Networked Factory; brand-new world-class united R&D, design and manufacture make brand-new networked online sharing, shopping and living! The free, equal, personalized, perfect experience of value shows peculiar elegant demeanor in a flash! The pure natural, original ecological calfskin will become every artware and artwork after the nano environment-friendly dyeing and physical embossing, the hand drawing and hand weaving of artisan spirit, and the technological computerized embroidery and laser engraving! The unique pattern design will become the trendsetter of “Rock and Roll”, “Heavy Metal”, “Hippies”, “Autobots”, etc. after the fine crafting of 3D technology and combining with super metal accessories; meanwhile, the personalized “Custom Made” service makes “CWMALLS® Dress Shoes” series become the witness of keepsake and uniqueness of feelings, bringing infinite blessings to the romantic, passionate, happy you, him and her! Therefore, CWMALLS R&D team, design team, product team, operation team and management team provide one-to-one VIP service to worldwide fashion icons, web celebrities, singers, film stars, fashion men, industry elites, and super fans with the support of CWMALLS three global operating centers, welcome everyone to appreciate and experience it actively! There will be more surprises when searching “CWMALLS Dress Shoes” on Google, Yahoo, Bing on the mobile, Pad terminals!

Note: The global financing of CWMALLS, CWMALLS COMMODITY is underway, welcome worldwide Investment banks and private equity funds to participate and pay attention actively; meanwhile, CWMALLS, CWMALLS COMMODITY officially provide global free shipping, global off-site delivery, no-reason return or exchange, free maintenance and other featured services to “CWMALLS® Men’s Dress Shoes(Intelligent)”, welcome everyone to experience them actively! If you have any questions, opinions or advice, please contact our online customer service via LiveChat at any time, we will give you a satisfying reply in first time! Thank you! In 2019 we excavate vertically and horizontally, in 2019 we fully implement, in 2019 we carry out strong alliance! (In 2020, we will see you in Nasdaq.)

“Cutting-edge School” “Innovative School” “Powerful School” — CWMALLS, SVE NEWS, MWE FUND
“CWMALLS® Men’s Dress Shoes(Intelligent)” — the model of sense of science and technology, artistry and intelligence!

CWMALLS JADE SEAL: CWMALLS people always maintain the absolute loyalty to dreams and missions, and always keep the absolute execution of targets and plans! Ruled by the grace of God, there must be great achievements — CWMALLS People

CWMALLS Dream: Four Basis(Information Flow, Talent Flow, Goods Flow and Capital Flow), Three Centers(North America Center, Europe Center, Asia Pacific Center), Two Funds(Maintain World Fund, Maintain Earth Fund), and One College(CWMALLS College with two courses History and Philosophy)
CWMALLS COMMODITY Dream: To offer pure natural, ecological “green products”, “environment-friendly commodities” continuously to consumers around the world; meanwhile, to transform more ideas, works and patents to products and commodities to form a virtuous cycle of ecological chain and value chain.
CWMALLS Mission:To create the global standardized value ecosystem!
CWMALLS COMMODITY Mission: Integrating the world’s high quality featured new products for you to share and benefit everyone!
MWE FUND: Maintain the world’s peace and stability, maintain the earth’s balance and development.

2019 CWMALLS: Standard, Value, Ecology;
2019 CWMALLS COMMODITY: Technology, Art, Patent;
2019 MWE FUND: Charity, Public Welfare, Responsibility;
Eco-friendly intelligent wearing, Low-carbon and environment friendly life, both are in CWMALLS global networking and mobilization.

March 4, 2019

Tips: The global financing of CWMALLS, CWMALLS COMMODITY is still underway, welcome worldwide Investment banks and private equity funds to participate and pay attention actively! Meanwhile, from now on, besides “Custom Made”, “Personal Tailor” services, “CWMALLS® Men Custom Leather Jacket”, “CWMALLS® Women Leather Jacket” series products are also provided with global free shipping, global off-site delivery, no-reason return or exchange, lifelong free maintenance and other services, welcome everyone to experience and appreciate them actively! Thank you!